Proud Sponsors of SOLVE

Pacific Alarm Systems are Proud sponsors of SOLVE Oregon.

Securing the Future:

Pacific Alarm Systems Partners with SOLVE for Cleaner Coasts in Oregon

From Alarms to Action:

Pacific Alarm Systems has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship through its collaboration with Solve, a dedicated volunteer group in Oregon aimed at preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the region. Through their partnership, Pacific Alarm Systems has actively participated in Solve’s clean-up events and provided crucial local support in Seaside, Oregon.

By joining forces with Solve, Pacific Alarm Systems has not only contributed to the cleanliness of the environment but has also fostered a sense of community engagement and responsibility towards maintaining the ecological integrity of Seaside. Their involvement underscores their dedication to corporate social responsibility and underscores the importance of businesses working alongside grassroots organizations to effect positive change in local communities.

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Honeywell Stories Dog Owners and open gates

Dogs & Open Gates - Pacific Alarm System
Honeywell Stories

Dog Owners & Open Gates

– Angela Remmert

The Family Escape Artist

I have a confession to make…I am an annoying dog lover. I stop to admire pretty much any dog I meet and it all started when I got my dog Hannah. Over five years ago, she became a part of my family and I couldn’t imagine our life without her.

That is why I was pretty upset this summer when she escaped from our yard. We were having our house painted and the painter left our gate open. When I let her out I had no idea, and she was gone in minutes.

After a 20 minute drive around the neighborhood (painter included), we found her happily strolling down the street without a care in the world. After I recovered from the guilt, I got to thinking about how it would be really helpful if I was 100% sure the gate was closed before I opened the back door throughout the day.

Enter a Honeywell exclusive: the 5816OD outdoor contact. Operating in temperatures from -40° F to 150° F, Pacific Alarm Systems can install this wireless transmitter on your fence gate for outdoor protection and awareness. Then from the keypad, you can see at a glance if the gate is open. And when you add Honeywell Total Connect Remote Services, you can receive a text or an email on your smartphone every time the gate is left open. Plus, if you have cameras as a part of your HOneywell system,you can even receive a video clip every time the gate opens.

Winter can be brutal. High winds. Soaking rains. Imagine you’re at work and you get a delivery at home. The delivery person leaves the gate open and you receive an email alerting you. Or with the bad weather you don’t even need to walk outside to make sure the gate is closed before you let the dog out. Wouldn’t this make your life simpler and keep your pet safer?

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Honeywell IP video is a better investment

Casino Surveillance with Pacific Alarm System
Honeywell Stories

Why IP Video is a Better Investment

– Maureen Bruen

Tired of Pixelated Images?

Are you tired of looking at pixelated images? Have you considered upgrading your existing cameras to IP? Does the investment deter you from the switch? If so, it doesn’t have to.

Over the past six months, I have met surveillance directors and technicians at various gaming properties across the U.S. As they evaluated our equIP Series of High Definition (HD) network cameras either in a 720p and/or 1080p resolution, they were thoroughly impressed with the performance. Why? Because the HD images are clearer-the resolution is three times better with a 720p and six times better with a 1080p than your best analog image.

Honeywell Stories why ip video is a better investment - Pacific Alarm Systems

Take a look at the two images below. One is from the 720p camera; the other is the 1080p. As you can see, the quality is significantly better than the analog, 4-CIF image above.

Here is the same image with a 720p camera.

Honeywell Stories why ip video is a better investment - Pacific Alarm Systems

You may think that quality like this would require a great amount of bandwith and storage space. That is not the case. Most customers do not need to increase their storage footprint. In fact, a 720p camera does not require more bandwidth or storage than a full resolution analog camera. Some found they could even use one 1080p camera over a poker table instead of using multiple analog cameras. They improved the picture quality and reduced their camera count-now that’s a win-win!

This shows the image from the 1080p.

The equIP Series includes two fixed dome housings models: HD3 for indoor and HD4 for vandal proof/outdoor. For those who prefer traditional box cameras, there is an HCD5 Series. Several casinos use the HD3MDIH indoor dome for their game floor surveillance.

Honeywell Stories why ip video is a better investment - Pacific Alarm Systems

They like it because it is low profile and can be recessed or wall/pendant mounted with an optional mounting kit. Both models offer top, low light performance with our true day/night models. A wide dynamic for high contrast areas is also available in all three models with a 720p resolution.

You don’t need to be in the gaming industry to see the benefits of our cameras. They work great in commercial spaces too! Don’t believe me, just try one for yourself…

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Honeywell Total Connect A Mother’s View

Honeywell Total Connect - A Mother's View - Pacific Alarm Systems
Honeywell Stories

Honeywell Total Connect

A Mother’s View

– Tera Frederick

Mother's Point Of View

Kay, so, I’m a single working mom and there are times I can’t be there for my nine-year-old daughter like I would like. I’m trying to take calls, make sales and go from meeting to meeting, all while trying to juggle the important things in life, like making sure my daughter knows she always comes first. So, how do I stay completely in tune with both my professional and personal world….

Ring, Ring…

Me: ”Honeywell, this is Tara, how can I help you?”.

Ashlee: “Mommy, my hair looks terrible and Nana doesn’t know how to fix it!”

Me: “Ashlee, what are you talking about?”

Ashlee: “Today is picture day Mom, and my hair is sticking up in the back and Nana doesn’t get it!”

Me: “Ashlee, I’m at work…I’m sure it’s just fine”.

Ashlee: “How can you say that? You can’t even see it!”

Here’s my option, tell her to buck up, go to school and hope that my mom doesn’t have too much of an issue getting her to school. Or two, validate what I am saying to her. . .Bam, I’m connected!

Very quickly, I logged on to my Honeywell Total Connect account, pulled up the camera I needed and there she was.

Me: “Ashlee, go stand in front of the TV.” (That’s where I have my camera.)

Ashlee: “Okay?”

Me: “Honey, that pink shirt you have on looks great for pictures and your hair, I dig it! That’s how CeCe from Shake it Up wears it. Kid, you’re rocking it out!”

Ashlee: “Wait, you can see me?”

Me: “Yep, now show me how you’re going to pose for your picture and smile!”

Suddenly, she is smiling and she goes to school with no issue for my mom. Now, I understand not every day is going to go that smoothly, but man, was it nice to use my security cameras in a way that works best for my living situation! I never thought about using my cameras for anything more than just security. Now, I can be in two places at once and she knows I’m a little closer, even when I’m not.

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Honeywell A Close Call: Hockey Tail

Hockey Tail with Pacific Alarm System
Honeywell Stories

A Close Call

A Hockey Tale

– Steve Mott

A Hockey Fire Acciedent

Just when you think your children are old enough (ages 16 and 14) to stay home alone, BAM, you get a call from the central station.

Before the central station operator tells you what the problem is, thoughts run through your head like the usual – the boys forgot to disarm the security system when they let the dog out. Before you spout out your secret password, the operator says it was an alarm from the smoke detector!

Remains of the hocky stick - Honeywell Stories - Pacific Alarm Systems

My wife was the unfortunate one to receive this phone call from Kelly at Electronix Systems, our security company, and within seconds my wife lost ten years off her life.

Since my kids love playing hockey, on occasion we find the need to bend the hockey blade to give it a wicked curve for a better shot. To achieve this, we turn on the electric stove and hover the blade over the hot burner until it’s soft enough to shape the curve

Well, it just so happens that this is exactly what my kids were doing for the first time (and last, mind you) without either my wife or me being home. Because the process of heating the blade takes awhile, my boys were impatient and they carelessly walked away resting the blade on the stovetop.

While watching TV, they were quickly alerted by the alarm and my son ran into the kitchen and smothered the fire with a wet dish towel. Phew, that was a close call! Little did they know that they could’ve burned the house down if it wasn’t for the smoke detector.

After all was said and done, another concerned central station operator, Daria, called my wife back to make sure everything was okay. My wife was touched by that phone call and is grateful for the eyes and ears of our Honeywell system.

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