A Close Call
A Hockey Tale
– Steve Mott
A Hockey Fire Acciedent
Just when you think your children are old enough (ages 16 and 14) to stay home alone, BAM, you get a call from the central station.
Before the central station operator tells you what the problem is, thoughts run through your head like the usual – the boys forgot to disarm the security system when they let the dog out. Before you spout out your secret password, the operator says it was an alarm from the smoke detector!

My wife was the unfortunate one to receive this phone call from Kelly at Electronix Systems, our security company, and within seconds my wife lost ten years off her life.
Since my kids love playing hockey, on occasion we find the need to bend the hockey blade to give it a wicked curve for a better shot. To achieve this, we turn on the electric stove and hover the blade over the hot burner until it’s soft enough to shape the curve
Well, it just so happens that this is exactly what my kids were doing for the first time (and last, mind you) without either my wife or me being home. Because the process of heating the blade takes awhile, my boys were impatient and they carelessly walked away resting the blade on the stovetop.
While watching TV, they were quickly alerted by the alarm and my son ran into the kitchen and smothered the fire with a wet dish towel. Phew, that was a close call! Little did they know that they could’ve burned the house down if it wasn’t for the smoke detector.
After all was said and done, another concerned central station operator, Daria, called my wife back to make sure everything was okay. My wife was touched by that phone call and is grateful for the eyes and ears of our Honeywell system.